MORPHE & SANRIO 聯乘系列 - Badtz Maru

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MORPHE & SANRIO聯乘系列數碼相機 - Badtz Maru

順豐發送時間預計: 澳門 - 澳門:1-2個工作天;澳門-香港:3-4個工作天

✓ Sanrio指定角色植革蓋 x1
✓ TPU幻彩相機外殼 x1
✓ 皮革鏈條背帶 x1
✓ 相機芯片 x1
✓ 8GB記憶卡 + USB數據線 + 說明書 各1



CROZ DIY 數碼相機- 最純粹的相機 | 回到初衷 | 享受生活
CROZ-D.I.Y數碼相機是澳門原質東隅與臺灣Papershoot聯合打造的一部基於趣味性與交互性為核心理念的相機產品。相機在融入新技術的同時,透過創意、簡易、環保的理念,把傳統相機的樂趣重現; 是一部將材質與科技完美結合,頗具內涵和高質感的產品。
自從於美國Kickstarter募資成功推出以來,CROZ DIY數碼相機至今已榮獲從德國、法國、意大利、香港、台灣及中國等不同地區、超過10項設計獎項。

  • 化繁為簡:把繁複瑣碎的功能鍵簡化成兩個按鈕-開關拍三合一拍攝按鈕及照片效果按鍵
  • DIY組裝的樂趣:由用戶親手組裝,讓大眾感受相機拼裝的樂趣,增加使用者滿足感


圖片只供參考,以實物為準。Actual product may vary due to product enhancement. All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.


注意事項 Kindly reminder
# 只接受以港澳地區為收件地址或澳門自取貨之訂單,如有其他地區為地址的訂單將會自動取消該訂單,因應網站條款可能會收取該訂單取消服務費用(根據不同地區銀行或金融機構條款可能有不同)。 
We only accept Hong Kong or Macau address as delivery address in this collection; your order will be canceled and charged money will be returned if your delivery address is outside area of Hong Kong and Macau, and please be noted that fees may apply for refund service (depends on different country or city bank's policy).

Batteries' Guide 電池使用指南 
Suitable for Alkaline or Rechargeable batteries. For Alkaline battery user, if you are not going to use in short times, please remove the batteries from the camera and keep them in well condition.; for Rechargeable battery users, thank you for being environmental friendly, you will just need to use the USB cable to recharge your camera & batteries before using it. 
相機可使用鹼性電池或充電電池 - 使用鹼性電池,長期不使用請取下電池及保存電池在適當環境以防流電;使用充電電池,感謝您支持環保,您只需要在使用前再次為相機及機內電池進行充電即可 (不同品牌電池充電時間及電量皆不同,建議客戶充電至少1小時起以測試購買之電池可使用時間)。
User Guide 相機使用指南
Just press the button in the front side, when you hear a sound effect, the photo was finished (DO NOT need to turn on/off camera)
*Please keep your camera in a stable environment when taking photo!
Shipping fee 運費相關
  1. [HONG KONG/ MACAO 港澳] For order under HKD1000 or less than 2 camera sets , Freight Collect will be applied.  總訂單金額為HKD1000以下或少於2套相機訂單需支付運費,運費到付。
Return & Refund Policy 退還及退款政策 
  • No Refunds will be issued; 退款政策不適用於此系列產品;
  • Warranty period : 6 months, calculated from the date sent out the product(s) (for maintenance only, seller will afford one round way shipping fee) ; 保修期為自產品發貨日起計6個月有效期 - 供貨商會為產品維修相關提供一次來回運費;
  • Anyway, if you are not satisfied with the purchased item, you may request to exchange it to our others product(s) within 7 days from you received the product(s). 如您不滿意收到之產品,您可以自收到產品起算7日內與我們聯繫申請換貨*(請留意以下特別條款)
    • *only available to same or less value product(s) ; if you want to exchange to a higher value product(s), you will need to top up ; 換貨只限於交換同等價值或低於同等價值之產品(可為原質東隅旗下不同系列產品,文具及飾品系列同樣適用),如需要更換為高於購買價值的產品,您需要支付及補回相關差價。
    • *buyer will afford the related shipping fee; 買家需負擔相關運費。
    • each consumer could exchange your New purchased product(s) ONCE ; 每位客戶可申請一次更換新購買之產品。
    • *discount/promotional item not suitable for exchange policy; 優惠及減價產品不適用於換貨政策。
If you need any assistance, please email us - / , we will get back to you soon. Thank you! 
如您需要任何協助,請電郵( / )與我們聯絡,我們將儘快回覆您。謝謝! 

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